1-on-1 LESSONS

ALL AGES WELCOME (Adults too)!
Click on the instrument you are interested in, to skip to that section.
1-on-1 Singing

Sign up for 1-on-1 singing instruction, using the music YOU want to sing! We welcome individuals who have never taken a lesson before as well as those with previous vocal training.
Each lesson includes warm ups and technical exercises to strengthen and develop the voice. Singers will be taught:
proper breathing, vowels and articulation
the difference between head voice and chest voice
basic music terminology
basic microphone techniques (near concert time)
Age Requirements
There is no minimum age to sign up for lessons. However, we usually recommend that singers in grade 4 or younger try one of our group singing classes first! It is totally your call - to decide what is best for you/your family! Whether you are age 4 or 94, we are excited to work with you!
1-on-1 Singing Lessons are offered in Regina and Online
2 Different Sign-Up Options
1) Sign up for our 1-on-1 Lessons Program (start anytime - runs til June)
2) Sign up for a 6-Week Trial (new students to the 1-on-1 Lessons Program only)
1-on-1 Piano
Sign up for 1-on-1 instruction on piano! We welcome individuals who have never taken a lesson before as well as those who have taken lessons in the past and are wanting to get back into playing!
When learning piano, patience is required. It can sometimes take a few months for students to learn enough to be able to play songs they are familiar with. For example, they need to be willing to stick with it, playing songs like "Hot Cross Buns" and "Mary Had A Little Lamb" before we can get them to the point where we can teach them songs they hear on the radio. Playing piano also requires students to learn music theory, so that they can read music.
We keep things fun and keep our students engaged by inserting popular songs into the mix. It might only be one line of a song they recognize from the radio and they might only be able to play it with one hand. BUT - we believe this helps to keep them engaged, especially through the first few months, until they have more options of what they are able to play.
Age Requirements
From past experience, we have seen the majority of students succeed in this program when they are age 6 and older. However, we realize that every child learns at a different pace, so we are always willing to consider younger students on a case by case basis. Adults - you are welcome too! In fact, you could just attend your child's lesson and learn together!
Piano Book
Each piano student is required to a piano book. Our piano coach will explain which book to purchase at the first lesson. Prices range from $10 -20, depending which book the coach feels would be the best fit.
1-on-1 Piano Lessons are offered in Regina, Balgonie and Online
2 Different Sign-Up Options
1) Sign up for our 1-on-1 Lessons Program (start anytime - runs til June)
2) Sign up for a 6-Week Trial (new students to the 1-on-1 Lessons Program only)

1-on-1 UKULELE
Ukulele is one of the easiest instruments for beginners to learn. There are only four strings! Plus, once the students master just a few different chords, they will be able to play tons of songs on their Uke!
As a first instrument, ukuleles teach kids about music and music theory. Through ukulele lessons, a child learns about beat, harmony, melody, rhythm, and tempo. The ukulele also helps children develop eye-hand coordination as well as independent movement of fingers.
The ukulele has a soft mellow sound that won’t loudly disrupt your whole household AND if you have a child who wants to eventually learn the guitar, starting with a ukulele often makes the process easier and less frustrating.
Age Requirements
We strongly suggest students are at least 7 years old before enrolling in this class. Before that their fingers are usually just too small and therefore not strong enough to push down the strings to make a proper sound. Just like in our piano lessons, we will accept younger students on a case by case basis. Adults are also welcome!
1-on-1 Ukulele Lessons are only offered in Regina and Online
2 Different Sign-Up Options
1) Sign up for our 1-on-1 Lessons Program (start anytime - runs til June)
2) Sign up for a 6-Week Trial (new students to the 1-on-1 Lessons Program only)

1-on-1 Guitar
Your child can be the star of the campfire! Once they master the basic chords on the guitar, the possibilities are endless! They can look up almost any song they like online and teach themselves to play it. Let us help them get started!
We start our lessons at whatever level our students are at - whether they are holding a guitar for the first time or they used to play and need to brush up on their skills.
Through guitar lessons, children boost their confidence, while learning skills that will last them for many years to come! Our guitar students get away their stress you are feeling, boost their mood and look cool doing it :)
Age Requirements
We strongly suggest students are at least 9 years old before enrolling in this class. If you have a younger child who wants to learn guitar, we suggest starting them on the Ukulele. That would provide them with a head start on some of the basic concepts of stringed instruments and music theory. Then, when they are a bit older and their fingers are a bit stronger, they can quickly transfer this knowledge to guitar.
1-on-1 Guitar Lessons are only offered in Regina and Online
2 Different Sign-Up Options
1) Sign up for our 1-on-1 Lessons Program (start anytime - runs til June)
2) Sign up for a 6-Week Trial (new students to the 1-on-1 Lessons Program only)